Leading the way for classical booking agencies, Intermusica recently launched an impressive new website, rebranding and iPad app. Utilising many new web techniques such as animated SVG logos, CSS animations, responsive design and integration with Overture booking agency software, pulling in artist booking information and displaying it beautifully on their artists pages.

Bold branding with impact

The updated branding uses simple shapes as the foundation for something more meaningful, if you hover over the logo the SVG animates, creating shapes representing staves or musical movement. These simple shapes are then used to excellent effect throughout the site and beyond into branded stationery and sharable videos and images. What’s great about the use of simple shapes is just how flexible they can be, in essence the logo is a square with a circle in it but simplicity allows ideas to flow whereas more complicated logos can sometimes stifle creativity.

Intermusica svg logo

Intermusica and their design team at Sennep designed a series of short animated videos or sharable snippets designed for social media, incorporating the strap line “Inspiring Creativity”. They also show off just how much fun you can have with simple shapes.

Modern technologies

Aside from the logo treatment some lovely little CSS animations add to the overall effect of motion and energy. Movement when scrolling gives increased visual impact to the page elements helping the user to focus on the message, all nicely tied in with the bold shapes of the core design styles.

The site works well cross device, as all newly designed sites should, using media queries to adjust the styles depending on the device that the site is being viewed on. This is a must for all newly designed sites in a world where you have no control over the device an end user may be using to access your site, search engines are now also promoting sites that are mobile friendly.

intermusica responsive

Integration with Overture

One of the nicest features of the new site is the seamless Overture integration. We worked with Intermusica’s web team to integrate booking information directly from Overture. On the artist pages the site integrates a direct feed from bookings created in Overture and displays the data for upcoming tours and performances directly below the main artist header image.

This saves a whole lot of time for the Intermusica team who otherwise would have had to update this information manually for each artist. Having one central point for all booking information is a real time saver in this instance. This feature isn’t unique to Intermusica and is available with all Overture accounts so if you would like a similar integration then drop us an email or post in the comments and we will get in touch. Or if you need an Overture account then complete this form to get started.