As we approach the end of the summer we wanted to share with you a few of the newer features of Overture. Follow us on Twitter to stay up to date with all the new features as we release them.


#1 Tasks for notes

Summary – In Settings / Tasks check the option and add a default task to the form. Now when creating a note, you have the new icon to add the default task. Once added you can see the number of tasks currently linked. Rather than having to change the booking status to create automatic tasks, this gives you another way of tracking tasks that relate specifically to notes you may have made rather than only on the contact or the booking.

To set these up head over to Settings and select Tasks from the sidebar menu.

At the bottom of this screen you can see a checkbox that when selected activates the form to create a default task.

You can give the task a name, select a category and then set the time frame for the task creation to occur. For example, I might wish to create a task reminding me to Follow Up when I receive an inquiry.

Now the task is setup when I make a note I can click the Default Task icon next to the name which will generate my task. To view click on the name in the note title and in the side-bar I can see the task. I can then add more here if necessary. Back at the contact screen I can now see 2 referenced.

This is a nice way to keep track of tasks specifically linked to notes and workflow outside just contacts and bookings.

#2 Multiple team member roles

Summary – Need to split the commission between multiple agents working on the same booking? You can now. Head over to Settings/Team Member Roles where you can add your team member types. For example, Finance Assistant or Travel Assistant, once setup on your booking page and on further information you can add these agents to the list with the % of the main fee they will be receiving.

To set these up head over to settings and in the side-bar look for the ‘Team Member Roles’ option. In the team roles table click ‘Add Field’.

Add the name of the role that you want to be able to split commission for and then either head over to a booking. Now in the sidebar where you previously set just the Agent and the Assistant you can choose to add another and then add the commission they will be receiving.

If you have default team members set up for your artists then you can also add the new team members and commission splits to their further information page. Select your artist and in the side-bar go to the Further Information page where you will see the new section that allows you to add the new Team Member Roles and rates.

#3 Outbox reordering and new archive

Summary – Improvements to mail management. Specifically, when many messages are generated and remain there for long periods of time so that the outbox becomes unusable. We reordered so that the most recent are now at the top ready to send rather than at the bottom and we added an archive where unsent messages are kept rather than cluttering up the main outbox list.

No setup is required here as the Archive is already live. But it is worth bearing in mind that newer emails generated by Overture are now at the top of the list rather than the bottom.

A message is archived after 1 week of not being sent so there is only ever 1 week of messages in the outbox ready to be sent. The archive is only for unsent messages over a week old.